What Should You Expect When Your Baby Gets The Dtap Vaccine?

Even if you are following the Center for Disease Control's recommended vaccine schedule to the letter, you still may have some concerns about the safety of the shots for your newborn or toddler. That's normal for parents to have concerns; your pediatric doctor should be willing to answer any questions you have about the general vaccination schedule or any single vaccines. One of the immunizations that your baby will receive is the DTaP shot, which protects against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, also known as whooping cough. [Read More]

Don't Let This Painful Foot Condition Keep You Off Of Your Feet

Whether you like to run for exercise or to compete in marathons, plantar fasciitis will keep you from going anywhere. This foot condition can become so painful that you can't put weight on the foot. Here is what causes this, how to prevent it and how to treat it if it should keep you out of the race. The Plantar Fascia This is a thin band of tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot. [Read More]

4 Things You Need To Start Doing To Help Prevent Your Risk Of Cataracts

There are roughly 24 million individuals 40 years of age and older in America who develop cataracts. Then, by the time that the population reaches 70 years old, half of them have been diagnosed with the vision disorder. With cataracts affecting so many people, it is important to know how to prevent them and to keep your vision healthy. Here are four things you can do: Switch That Cup of Coffee for a Glass of Orange Juice [Read More]

Think You Have A Stress Fracture In Your Foot? Get To The Bottom Of The Problem

If you've been having severe pain in your foot and ankle and you worry that you could have some type of stress fracture or other bone problem, you want to meet with an orthopedic professional right away. If the pain is dull throughout the day but gets intense and throbs at night, or after you run with the foot or are on it for a long time, you don't want to risk damaging the foot more. [Read More]