Differences That You May Notice Between Acupressure And Massage

If you're someone who enjoys getting massages regularly, you may find yourself sitting in the waiting room of your massage therapy clinic and browsing a brochure about what other services the clinic's practitioners offer. One term that may catch your eye is acupressure, and you may feel compelled to give this therapy a try in the future. If you're used to getting massages, there are some similarities between massage and acupressure — namely, the hands-on approach that your practitioner will take with you. [Read More]

What Is Bacterial Vaginosis & How Is it Treated?

Almost every woman has had the uncomfortable experience of having to endure a yeast infection. The infections are extremely uncomfortable. Unfortunately, they are not the only types of vaginal infections that can crop up. Yeast infections are obviously caused by an overgrowth of yeast. However, the vagina also contains a great deal of bacteria. What happens when the bacteria overgrow? Well, something called bacterial vaginosis can develop. Keep reading to learn about this ailment and how it can be treated. [Read More]

Postmenopausal? Problems You Will Face And What To Do About Them

Menopause means no menstrual periods, which is a benefit to most women. If you have gone through menopause and are now considered postmenopausal, a lot of the hard work is over for you. You should notice your energy returning and you will start to feel better. There are still problems you can have post menopause, however. To help you with this, below are some problems you may face and what you can do about them. [Read More]

When Should You Pay Out-Of-Pocket For Pregnancy Ultrasounds?

If you've recently discovered you're expecting by seeing your baby's heartbeat on an early ultrasound at a place like EVDI Medical Imaging, you're likely excited to continue to observe your child's growth and development over the next nearly-ten months. However, not all insurance policies cover more than a couple of ultrasounds unless you're high-risk or have other potential complications, limiting your ability to seek regular ultrasounds without paying out-of-pocket. Read on to learn more about some of the potential risks of neonatal ultrasounds, as well as the factors you'll want to consider when going outside your insurance plan or coverage to have multiple ultrasounds performed over the course of your pregnancy. [Read More]