Tips For Easing Your Child's Fear About An Upcoming Tonsilectomy

If your child's pediatrician has recommended a tonsillectomy for your child to relieve symptoms like obstructive sleep apnea, snoring, recurrent throat infections and ear infections, your child may be frightened about it. You, as mom or dad, should know that tonsillectomies are one of the most common surgical procedures performed in children and it is not life threatening. While any surgery comes with risk, taking steps to prepare your child can help to make the procedure go smoothly and without incident. [Read More]

How Language Development Services Can Improve Communication For Autistic Children With Apraxia

Early diagnosis is crucial for the best outcome for children with autism. It is ideal to diagnosis a child with this condition by the age of 18 months. Autism is a mental condition that starts in early childhood. It causes delays in many areas of development, such as interacting with people, playing, and learning to talk.  Apraxia is one of those conditions that affects many autistic children. This condition makes it difficult to use the lips, mouth, tongue, and jaw to create clear speech sounds. [Read More]

Is Your Parent Just Aging Or Suffering From Dementia? Signs To Watch Out For

As an adult child of aging parents, you may begin to notice both physical and mental changes in your parents' health when you see them. While it is normal for your parents to go through these age-related changes, you may find yourself wondering whether some of their memory lapses are simply due to age or due to something more, like Alzheimer's disease or dementia. Get to know some of the signs that your parents' memory issues are something more than just age-related so that you can help them get to a doctor for testing and possible treatment  and home health care services (or other assistance) as soon as possible. [Read More]

Could Low Sex Hormones In Men Impact Their Oral Health?

A lot of men would rather avoid the topic of low sex hormones as it can be embarrassing. Whether it is embarrassing or not, men must be willing to admit when the issue is happening to them as it could be impacting their oral health as well. The question is – what exactly does low sex hormones have to do with your mouth? Hormones Play a Part in Oral Health [Read More]