Undoing Gravity: Reversing Your Elephant Body Appearance With Plastic Surgery
Living on Earth means you are constantly fighting gravity. Gravity holds you to the ground so that you do not go floating into outerspace, but it also pushes down on your flesh, causing it to sink southward. If the aging process did not deny you of muscle and skin tone, it is still likely that gravity would cause the flesh around your torso to sink to your knees in the same way an elephant's body does.
4 Possible Causes Of Balancing Problems
Some seniors can experience balancing problems which can prove to be hazardous. Depending on the source of your problem, the solution can be a simple one or require medical intervention. Here are some of the most common causes of balancing issues and what you can do about them.
Hearing Loss
Some balancing disorders are the result of hearing problems. A recent study showed that in older people with hearing loss, the use of hearing aids helped to improve balance.