Four Ways To Fight Winter Depression Naturally
Do you find yourself feeling depressed and blue during the winter season? You're not alone. Seasonal affective disorder, a condition in which patients begin feeling depressed in late fall or early winter, but experience normal moods in the spring and summer, is estimated to affect as many as 10 million Americans. Luckily, there are several ways to lift your mood without resorting to prescription antidepressants.
Vitamin D Supplements
Your skin makes vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, but in the winter, you don't see the sun too often.
Helping Supply The World With Prosthetic Limbs
When you think about donation supplies being sent over to other countries, it is rare you consider artificial limbs as a donation item. Medical supplies are one of the most common items sent to poor countries all over the world when providing aid to poor countries. One need for many people who suffer from health problems in these countries includes artificial limbs. By having access to prosthetic limbs, these people are able to take better care of themselves and live a more normal life.
3 Reassuring Things To Tell Yourself Before Your Root Canal
The term "root canal" strikes fear and dread into the hearts of the general population, and if you've been told you need one, you may react with the same emotions. But there are actually several very good reasons not to worry about the procedure at all. Here are three things you can say to yourself that will make you feel better about your upcoming appointment.
1. "It Won't Hurt"
Believe it or not, root canal therapy is not the torturous process many assume it to be.
4 Things To Look For When Touring An Assisted Living Facility
Do you need to find an assisted living facility for your mother or father? Finding the right facility for your parent may be a stressful process. While there are many great facilities out there, you no doubt want to find one in which you are confident that your mother or father will be happy and treated well. Taking a tour of a facility is a great way to see what it's like on a day-in, day-out basis.
3 Tips For Transitioning To A New Behavioral Health EHR
Switching from paper based records to an electronic healthcare records system designed for a behavioral health clinic like yours can save you time by streamlining your billing and record-keeping. That allows you and your staff to spend less time dealing with papers and files, and more time treating and helping your patients. However, during the time that you spend transitioning to the new system, things can become a little hectic.
Vision Problems And Toddlers
When you have a toddler, spotting problems with his or her vision can be difficult. Your child might have problems communicating vision problems or not even recognize that there is one. It is important that you know how to recognize that a problem might exist and what you can do to help strengthen your child's visual development.
Symptoms of Vision Problems
There is good chance that your child will not voice any concerns about his or her vision.
Hiring Home Care For Your Loved One: How To Know They're Doing Their Job
When you take the step to hire home care for you aging loved one, you may feel apprehensive about the whole process. After all, a virtual stranger (or series of virtual strangers) will be entering your family member's home on a regular basis with little to no supervision. In your mind, anything could happen. However, when you hire a home senior care service for your loved one, there are many ways to determine whether or not the people you hired are doing their jobs properly.
Hemorrhoid Treatments: What You Should Know
When it comes to non-life threatening medical conditions, few are more unpleasant to experience or discuss that hemorrhoids. Most people who are afflicted with these swollen, and possibly even protruding veins in the rectum and anus would prefer to suffer in silence than discuss their discomfort with their friends, family, or even their doctor. However, not speaking to a doctor is most definitely a mistake. You are not alone in your hemorrhoid suffering.
Have Continual Fatigue? Learn Some Possible Causes
When you feel yourself beginning fatigue more often than not, you may not know what to do with yourself. After all, continually lacking energy makes it difficult for you to focus, work, or accomplish anything at all. All you want to do is rest and sleep, and you feel like you're wasting your time away needlessly. There are several reasons you may feel fatigued. The key is to find out your cause, so you can get treated and get to feeling better.
Surprising Signs You May Need Glasses Or Contact Lenses
Very often, problems with a person's eyesight develop slowly and over time, which can make it difficult for someone to know when they need glasses or contact lenses. They may become accustomed to various challenges when it comes to focusing while reading or watching movies, and reason that as long as they can see traffic signals, their eyesight must be fine. However, getting glasses or contact lenses at the first sign of trouble can ensure that your sight is always at its best.